My rating: 4 of 5 stars
First, I've been an Elizabeth Peters/Barbara Michaels/Barbara Mertz fan for years. So I'm so sad to hear that she has passed. My favorite books have been those written under the Barbara Michaels pseudonym (my favorite was Ammie, Come Home). This is one of my first books under the Elizabeth Peters pseudonym. Her books are so well written and this one is no exception.
At the beginning of this book I didn't like the main character, Jacqueline Kirby. She was pompous and called everyone "darling." If this were a book by any other author I would have put it down and moved on to something else (you all know you have many books waiting n the wind waiting to be read). Since it was written by one of my favorite authors, I persevered and I'm so glad I did.
Jacqueline (never Jackie) is chosen from a group of writers to complete a second novel by the late Kathleen Darcy. She moves to the small town to explore Darcy's papers and books and moves into a tiny cottage behind the local bed and breakfast. Of course with small towns come the most fascinating characters and Kirby begins to immerse herself in the town and uncovers many secrets never meant to be shared.
Elizabeth Peters created well rounded characters and a town that felt real. We all want to journey to far off places when we read and Peters manages to take the reader to just such a place. Though the dialogue was stilted at the start of the book, it was realistic the rest of the way through. Though imperfect, this was a fabulous read.
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